I am a developer from Québec, Canada.
I'm looking for a new role! See me LinkedIn profile below for more information.
I have strong technical skills in both backend (Go, SQL, Docker, APIs...) and frontend (HTML, CSS, TypeScript, React, Svelte...).
Arkipel is a persistent browser-based game that takes place in a fictional archipelago called Arkipel.
The backend is written in Go and runs on a DigitalOcean VPS. It uses a PostgreSQL database.
The frontend is a web application built with TypeScript, React, and Apollo.
Communication between the client and the server is done with a GraphQL API.
Visit arkipel.ioCode
gold (Go)
Golden files library for Go test suites.
jsonapi (Go)
Set of tools to build a JSON:API compliant service.
postmark (Go)
Postmark client written in Go.
Check out my GitHub profile for more.